Another day, another new blog. Why? I hear you ask.
The answer is very simple, for fun. I’ve been writing on and off for over twenty years now and it turns out I enjoy it. I’ve written non-fiction, mostly technical articles, reviews and comment pieces, including a monthly column on “online topics” that ran before everyone else joined the Internet party. I also have a blog dedicated to my day job – developing video games.
My main literary love is fiction though, speculative fiction to be exact. I grew up surrounded by books and despite numerous attempts to kick my addiction, I’m still surrounded by more books than my shelves can hold.
Given my love of books, it was inevitable that I would also try my hand at writing my own stories and I’ve been crafting strange tales for as long as I can remember. Over the years, I’ve written and had published horror, science fiction, fantasy and stories that sit somewhere between all three. I finished my first novel The Ghost Smuggler last year. It blends fantasy and science fiction into a fast moving tale set in the desert city of Karabar and a dreamlike world inhabited by the spirits of the recently dead. I’m currently revising and editing and rewriting for about the sixth time before I send it out into the cold harsh world of publishers and agents.
Sometimes this blog will be a place for me to talk about what I’m reading or watching (I might even talk about running occasionally) but most of the time it will be about writing; either what I’m working on or my thoughts on writing in general. Hopefully, you’ll find some of my ramblings interesting, if not that’s fine as well; it’s a relaxed place, this blog. Comments and feedback are always welcome.
So, “My door is open wide, some kind of stranger come inside”