I don’t have a massive social media presence. I’ve slowly abandoned Facebook bar the occasional personal post, I’m on Instagram (I think) and I have an unused TikTok account, but Twitter was the one place I visited regularly. I didn’t Tweet a lot but I did a bit of signal boosting and retweeting. But like so many other people, I’m leaving for bluer skies.
Two reasons.
Firstly, it’s a terrible place. It has been for a long time but there were pockets of goodness. With The Musque in charge, the bigots and racists really are taking over the asylum. And they’re covering the walls with bodily fluids.
And then there are the ads. They’re constant. And for me it’s 90% Crypto-scams and AI-bros. I do get just a smidge of enjoyment from blocking the associated accounts but mostly that stuff just makes me angry.
So, as of December 31st, I’m done.
After a few seconds consideration, I’ve decided to make Bluesky my new home. It seems to have a good vibe and some of my favourite authors are already there. If you’d like to follow me, my ID/Handle/@ is SolitaryMindset.
I hope to see you there.
[Farewell Twitter by Philip Harris first appeared on Solitary Mindset on 31st December 2023]