I ate deep fried Twinkies last week. Three of them. I wish I could blame alcohol for my momentary lapse of common sense but unfortunately I was alcohol free at the time. The only consolation is that I wasn’t the only person. Two other people ordered the same dish (although one of them had the sense to only eat half of a Twinkie, not all three). Ah well, I pushed myself a bit harder on my run yesterday, maybe that will make up for it.
I spent two days in Orlando last week (that’s where the Twinkies were (but they weren’t the reason I was there)) which meant two days of travelling. I didn’t even get to enjoy the sun, tropical storm Debby meant it was wet, windy and very humid for my trip. Thankfully, she didn’t interfere with the flights, other than a bit of turbulence on the way in.
I did a lot of reading during the flights, finishing off Caitlin R Kiernan’s The Drowning Girl and reading most of Mistification by Kaaron Warren. The former I enjoyed, the latter not so much. There was also lots of good food and some pretty productive day job time.
It was also the first week of the Clarion Write-a-Thon and I was determined to keep up my writing while I was away. It turned out to be a bit easier than I thought although the iPad is not really designed for writing novels and getting the text back into Word without a bunch of weird formatting was a lot harder than I’d have liked. Still, I managed to add 2,316 words to The Ghost Smuggler while I was away. The total new word count for the week was 3,806 (5,024 including salvage). I added another 702 words this weekend plus over 2,000 words of salvage which brings the current word count to 17,720.
Then I completely lost all faith in the story and decided the whole thing was terrible and that I’m completely wasting my time.
Hopefully that will pass.