I’m somewhat late (long story) but my drabble, Aftermath, is up at The Were-Traveler.
A drabble, for those who haven’t come across them before, is a story that is exactly 100 words long – not 101, not 99…100.
From Wikipedia:
The concept is said to have originated in UK science fiction fandom in the 1980s; the 100-word format was established by the Birmingham University SF Society, taking a term from Monty Python‘s 1971 Big Red Book. In the book, “Drabble” was described as a word game where the first participant to write a novel was the winner. In order to make the game possible in the real world, it was agreed that 100 words would suffice.
The Were-Traveler has a whole issue of drabbles, well worth a look.
[The article Out Now – Aftermath by Philip Harris originally appeared on Solitary Mindset on May 3rd, 2013]