Another productive week – I managed to write a total of 5,177 words. Not as good as last week, but still pretty respectable.
The first four days were spent on the Leah (working title) short story and a bit of preparation for my next novel. Friday onwards was spent on the third draft of Glitch.
The first draft of Leah is almost done and so far it clocks in at 15,513 words which is about 10,000 more words than I expected. I’m going to wrap up that first draft tomorrow as a break from working on the third draft of Glitch.
With Leah almost out of the way, I needed something to write until we got back to Vancouver. So, I worked on the outline of my next novel project and wrote a bit of one chapter, just to get a feel for it. I’m itching to get going on that one although I should really finish the second draft of The Ghost Smuggler before I start another novel.
As far as Glitch goes, my wife has finished her read through and I’m going over it again and giving it another tweak before it goes to an editor next Monday. I’m almost 25,000 words through after three days so I’m well on track to have it finished in time. Tomorrow is a holiday here in sunny Canada and I’m hoping to get very close to finishing that third draft by the end of the day.
Sunday also marked the end of a full year of writing every day and I’ll be back tomorrow with a detailed set of metrics breaking that down. For now, let’s just say I’m very happy with how that year went.
[Metrics Monday – 30th June 2014 by Philip Harris first appeared on Solitary Mindset on 30th June 2014]