Meet Perlo

Philip HarrisCatsLeave a Comment

My wife and I are currently fostering this little guy. His name’s Perlo. He’s originally from Saudi Arabia and had to have reconstructive surgery on his jaw when he was younger. Perlo claims it was because he was attacked by a desert fox, but I think it’s far more likely that it was to change his identity so that he could smuggle $2 billion worth of diamonds out of the country.


Philip HarrisChatterLeave a Comment

I know it’s only January 6th but this may well be the funniest thing I see on the Internet this year. It’s from Reddit and I’ve been laughing about it for … Read More

Gratuitous Kitten Picture

Philip HarrisPhotos2 Comments

When we arrived at the Melia Hotel in Nassau we met several cats. They were a little bit skittish but looked very healthy. The next morning we realised why. One of … Read More